Home Page ContentPress Releases Free, 24/7 Live Feed from Ukraine’s United News Available on TVU Search

Free, 24/7 Live Feed from Ukraine’s United News Available on TVU Search

by Anthony Weaver

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – March 25, 2022 – TVU Networks, the market and technology leader in cloud and IP-based live video solutions, announced today that the company is offering a free, 24/7 live feed from Ukraine provided by the Ukrainian news media via TVU Search, an industry-leading, AI-based search engine for live broadcasts. This content from Ukraine is available immediately and can be viewed here. TVU customers can use live and downloaded content on-air and over all platforms. Viewing and downloading content is free to non-TVU customers.

Ukrainian media groups are collectively broadcasting a single newscast called the United News. The mission of United News is to provide 24/7 real-time information and live video to the people of Ukraine and to the world at large. The Ukrainian media groups that comprise United News are the four largest in the Ukraine: 1+1 media, StarLightMedia, Media Group Ukraine and Inter Media Group.

The Ukrainian media groups are taking turns providing uninterrupted information on the conflict. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council, the Office of the President of Ukraine, and other Government agencies will be joining broadcasts as well.

Image removed by sender. United News-Ukraine.png

About TVU Networks

TVU Networks is a global organization with more than 3,000 customers using its IP and cloud-based workflow solutions across multiple industries including news, entertainment media, sports, corporate, streaming, houses of worship and government. Through the use of AI and automation driven technology, TVU helps broadcasters realize an efficient metadata and story-centric workflow through its TVU MediaMind platform for live video content acquisition, indexing, production, distribution and management. The company has been on the forefront of developing the tools needed to revolutionize and streamline the Media Supply Chain. TVU is a critical part of the operations of many major media companies worldwide and is a Technology and Engineering Emmy Award winner.

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