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Allianz Partners extends its offer against cyber risks

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Data breach, malware, phishing
Allianz Partners extends its offer against cyber risks

Whether in cars or in homes, on wrists or in pockets, digital technology has become an intrinsic part of everyday life. And yet ever-increasing digitalization goes hand in hand with potential threats, these are ranked among the top global risks for people as well as organizations.

At the crossroad of technological innovation and new customer behaviors, Allianz Partners is pushing boundaries and is ready to provide its customers with the protection they need.

To protect its customers everywhere at any moment, Allianz Partners, the B2B2C leader in assistance and insurance solutions, is broadening its offer in digital assistance to include digital risks by introducing Cyber Shield. This offer demonstrates both a new customer focus and a mission to provide peace of mind. The Cyber Shield offer is now available in Europe, including France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Portugal and Austria.

In fact, cyber risks have been a critical subject for quite some years globally:  a European Commission survey* discloses that 43% of EU citizens are concerned about the misuse of personal data, 42% about the security of online payment. In France, 64% of users are willing to subscribe to a cyber-insurance policy while only 6% already have one**. According to a 2016 CIGI-IPSOS*** survey on Internet security and trust, cyber criminals and Internet companies are most likely than other factors to contribute to increasing concerns about online privacy.

Providing a seamless and integrated assistance experience including some distinctive features, the Cyber Shield offer spans five fields of expertise:

  • Online shopping: Cyber Shield takes care of matters related to the delivery, quality and conformity of consumer goods, as well as online payment.
  • Online banking: Cyber shield addresses losses incurred in case of any fraudulent Internet/mobile transactions.
  • E-reputation & cyber bullying: Allianz Partners and its providers enable customers to monitor their online reputation and exposure as well as to handle adverse matters from technical, legal and psychological perspectives.
  • Data recovery: Cyber Shield helps customers to restore their lost data in case of broken devices or mishandling.
  • Legal advice: Online matters open a new range of legal issues of which customers are not always aware; Cyber Shield supports them by providing dedicated legal advice.

More specifically, Cyber Shield offers a clear and intuitive product design, accessed through one simple call, customers have one exclusive point of contact to answer their questions and provide solutions with the help of the best experts in the market. A range of services is also offered: as part of the Plugged-in mobile device service under the premium program UltraCare, in the case of accidental damage and theft, customers are ensured a replacement device with their data within 24 hours.

“The assistance business is more “high tech-high touch” than ever, leveraging technology to support customers when and where needed – at home, on the roadside or traveling – with the pervasive use of mobile technologies in their daily lives. With the expectation of consumers to be connected and the rise of cyber threats (hacking, phishing, bullying, data losses) create a new space of needs that Allianz Partners is uniquely positioned to address”, states Sylvie Ouziel, Member of the Board, CEO of Assistance Business and Asia-Pacific region. “Through a combination of insurance and services, blending digital expertise and the physical reach of devices and consumers, we provide this assistance via business partners within the consumer electronics value chain or other technology-supported industries, who want to focus on providing an ultra-safe and rewarding online experience to their customers.”


* EUROPEAN COMMISSION – TNS, Special Eurobarometer 423, February 2015
See http://ec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/archives/ebs/ebs_423_en.pdf

**PWC France  study – Le marché de la cyber assurance : la révolution commence maintenant (étude PWC & IFOP Septembre 2015)
See https://www.pwc.fr/fr/assets/files/pdf/2016/01/pwc_infographie_cyberassurance.pdf

***2016 CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust
See https://www.cigionline.org/internet-survey-2016


About Allianz Partners

Dedicated to bringing global protection and care, Allianz Partners is the B2B2C leader in assistance and insurance solutions in the following areas of expertise: assistance, international health & life, automotive and travel insurance.
These solutions, which are a unique combination of insurance, service and technology, are available to business partners or via direct and digital channels under three internationally renowned brands: Allianz Assistance, Allianz Care and Allianz Automotive. This global family of over 17,500 employees is present in 76 countries, speaks 70 languages and handles 44 million cases per year, protecting customers and employees on all continents.

For more information, please visit: http://www.allianz-partners.com/corporate/

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