Home Global-ICTGlobal-ICT 2003 Challenges and opportunities for a wireless world

Challenges and opportunities for a wireless world

by david.nunes
Jorg SpringerIssue:Global-ICT 2003
Article no.:21
Topic:Challenges and opportunities for a wireless world
Author:Jorg Springer
Title:Head of Global Marketing
Organisation:Radio Frequency Systems
PDF size:104KB

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Article abstract

Wireless communications plays an important part in the plans to connect the world’s peoples, and include them within the fold of the information society and the global economy, in accordance with the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) declaration of principles. New wireless technologies – third generation mobile and Wi-Fi, among others – bring the Internet within reach of people and workers, wherever they may be. In emerging economies, wireless is often used as an alternative to fixed networks.

Full Article

As global leaders debate the way ahead to a worldwide information society, many look to the wireless communications industry. Increasingly, ubiquitous and accessible wireless is taking its place at the forefront of world efforts to reach across the ‘digital divide’, delivering information and communications technologies (ICT) to even the poorest countries. At the same time, it is continuing to transform the ways that business is conducted and leisure time is spent in the developed world.

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