Home Asia-Pacific II 1999 Competitiveness for the New Millennium (Foreword)

Competitiveness for the New Millennium (Foreword)

by david.nunes
Jong Soon LeeIssue:Asia-Pacific II 1999
Article no.:3
Topic:Competitiveness for the New Millennium (Foreword)
Author:Jong Soon Lee
Title:Executive Director
Organisation:Asia Pacific Telecommunity
PDF size:16KB

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Article abstract

Today rapid development of telecom business persists to gain its momentum all over the world. Interconnection of telecommunication networks and GMPCS will break the limitation of geographical constraints and bring the scenario of a world without borders into a reality.

Full Article

The global impact brought by liberalization after WTO agreement creates a strong competitive atmosphere among telecom service providers and further deregulation environment in telecom sectors. Yet it intensified the private sectors participation and industry responsive resulted in provision of better and affordable universal access for basic services to fulfill the users requirement. The swift development and diffusion of telecommunication technologies and the emergence of interactive applications have the potential to affect economic growth, productivity, and dramatic changes in every economic and social sector of countries in the region. This will bring the opportunities and incentive for every business company, public agency, Governmental organization and make themselves more competitive in new millenium. The growth of information service is a global phenomenon. The information services and technologies are fundamental to the development of modern society in the world. As new technologies arise in todays ever growing world, facilitation of dissemination information is indispensable. I am delighted to know that “Connect-World” is supplementing the essential information on current issues in telecom development.

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