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IT Professionals Undervalued by Singaporean Businesses and End Users, According to SolarWinds Research

by david.nunes

IT Professionals Undervalued by Singaporean Businesses and End Users, According to SolarWinds Research

          SolarWinds establishes IT Professionals Day as official holiday to recognize their critical business value

          New holiday aims to honor them with first observance on September 15, 2015

Singapore – September 2, 2015 – SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI), a leading provider of powerful and affordable hybrid IT infrastructure management software, today announced it has established the third Tuesday of every September, beginning September 15, 2015, as IT Professionals Day to honor all IT professionals as the unsung heroes of modern business. In connection to IT Professionals Day, SolarWinds also released the findings of its IT Pro Value Survey*, which not only demonstrate the value Singaporean IT professionals provide, but reveal opportunity for business leaders and end users to show greater appreciation towards IT professionals.

The two studies outline the value end users place on the IT department and shed light on how valued IT professionals themselves feel by their organizations.

The findings reveal that most Singaporean end users agree IT has a greater impact on their daily work lives than the C-suite, with almost two-thirds (60 percent) agreeing that their company’s IT department going on vacation for a month would have a greater impact on their daily work life than if their company’s C-suite did.

The study also highlights the value Singaporean end users place on technology in the workplace over personnel, with more than eight in ten (81 percent) of Singaporean end users placing greater importance on the technology supported by IT professionals in the workplace—such as phones, computers and software—than they do on personnel (35 percent).

Almost three-quarters of Singaporean end users (72 percent) indicate work productivity is lost without the technology supported by IT professionals, with one-third (36 percent) saying one day’s work would take an additional business day or longer to complete without said technology and 16 percent saying it would not at all be possible to carry out their daily work without it.

From an IT professional perspective:

·         Three out of five IT professionals (62 percent) feel at most moderately valued by their employer for their unique contribution to business, with more than one-quarter (27 percent) feeling only slightly to not at all valued.

·         Four out of five IT professionals (83 percent) feel they are worth more than they are currently compensated, with one-third (35 percent) saying they feel worth at least 21 percent more.

·         The majority of IT professionals (61 percent) are concerned about job security, with almost half (42 percent) suggesting company leadership not understanding the importance of IT as a key reason why.

“The survey results demonstrate that business leaders and end users can do a lot more to show IT pros how appreciative they are of the value they provide to business,” said Kevin Thompson, President and Chief Executive Officer, SolarWinds. “The technology we rely on to keep business running smoothly is absolutely critical to success, but the level of recognition and reward IT pros receive for the part they play in enabling and supporting it may not match it. IT Professionals Day is a great way to start leveling that.”

IT Professionals Day

IT Professionals Day is designed to annually celebrate all IT professionals regardless of discipline. Whereas holidays such as System Administrator Appreciation Day do well at recognizing one category of the profession, IT Professionals Day honors not only system administrators, but network engineers, database administrators, information security professionals, developers, IT support technicians and all other professionals serving in IT-related roles.

“We’re very excited to be a part of establishing IT Professionals Day as a way to honor all IT pros for the amazing work they do to keep business moving at the lightning speed required for success today,” added Thompson. “When you think about what a typical day would look like for many of today’s workers without IT pros and the technology they support, it’s safe to say work on the whole would slow to a crawl or worse. Considering all they do, IT pros truly are the unsung heroes of modern business. So, on behalf of SolarWinds, thank you to all the IT pros out there. And happy IT Professionals Day 2015 and beyond.”

Visit ITProDay.org to learn more.

*SolarWinds’ IT Pro Value Surveys are a series of two studies done in connection to IT Professionals Day. Their purpose is two-fold: First, explore business end users’ attitudes and opinions about IT professionals and the technology they support to underscore the high value of the profession; and second, showcase IT professionals’ general feeling of being undervalued to highlight an opportunity for business leaders and end users to show greater appreciation. Full survey results as well as scope and demographics are available here.

Additional Resources

·         Website: ITProDay.org

·         Surveys: IT Pro Value Survey: The End User’s Perspective, IT Pro Value Survey: The IT Professional’s Perspective

·         Twitter: #ITProDay

About SolarWinds

SolarWinds (NYSE: SWI) provides powerful and affordable hybrid IT infrastructure management software to customers worldwide from Fortune 500® enterprises to small businesses, government agencies and educational institutions. We are committed to focusing exclusively on IT Pros, and strive to eliminate the complexity that they have been forced to accept from traditional enterprise software vendors. Regardless of where the IT asset or user sits, SolarWinds delivers products that are easy to find, buy, use, maintain, and scale while providing the power to address all key areas of the infrastructure from on premises to the cloud. Our solutions are rooted in our deep connection to our user base, which interacts in our thwack® online community to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly participate in our product development process. Learn more today at www.solarwinds.com.


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