Home Latin America I 1996 Mexico gives the Green Light to the Privatisation of its Satellite System

Mexico gives the Green Light to the Privatisation of its Satellite System

by david.nunes
Author's PictureIssue:Latin America I 1996
Article no.:9
Topic:Mexico gives the Green Light to the Privatisation of its Satellite System
Author:Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan
Title:Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications
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Article abstract

Connect World Latin America is delighted to present the following artictle as part of our ongoing series of features from Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan, on how the way in which telecommunications development in his country is being enacted is bringing the full benefits of liberalisation to people, companies and organisations throughout Mexico. In this particular article Minister Sacristan concentrates on his plans for the privatisation of Mexico’s satellite system.

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Communications are an important factor in Mexico’s economic recovery. While the overall economy grew at a 3% rate in the first three months of 1996 in relation to the same period of the previous year, this sector increased 7.5%, that is to say, by two and a half percent more. If you consider telecommunications independently, the increase is even more significant because it has been seven times faster than that of the other sectors in the country. It is expected that this important catalytic driving force that telecommunications provides to other economic activities will be even greater in the future, particularly now that Mexico’s satellite sub-sector has been opened up to competition and that there is a considerable demand for via satellite communication services.

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