Home Page ContentPress Releases Department for Transport Choose Azzurri for £1m IP telephony contract following PSN tender

Department for Transport Choose Azzurri for £1m IP telephony contract following PSN tender

by david.nunes


15th May 2013: The Department for Transport, following a competitive tender through the PSN Services framework, has awarded Azzurri Communications, the UK’s leading independent provider of managed communications services, a five year contract worth £1,000,000 for an IP telephony deployment. Azzurri will provide Professional Services including full project management, design and installation services, user training, a security audit, and a resident engineer for three months following the go-live of the project.

The Azzurri solution for the Department of Transport consists of a highly resilient telephony network across two core sites in London and a remote site in Hastings.  The network, based on a Mitel Communications Director platform, will have 2,500 extensions and 100 contact centre agents, supported by 400 unified communication licenses, unified messaging, voice conferencing, call recording and a call logger.

The Department of Transport issued a tender entitled “Replacement Telephony Services for Central DfT” in August 2012, via Lot 1 of the PSN Services framework. The tender process involved a tender response document, followed by a Proof of Concept phase. The shortlisted bidders then installed a test phone system on site while tests were carried out. The successful tenderers were then asked to submit a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). The tender response, proof of concept, and BAFO were all scored, with Azzurri coming out on top.

Vim Vithaldas, CEO, Azzurri Communications, said: “We’re delighted to win this contract through the PSN Services framework as it is our first notable success in supplying services and technology to Central Government. Azzurri already has a very strong record in Local Government, having delivered major ICT contracts to organisations such as Cornwall, Wiltshire and Durham Councils, but the PSN framework has helped open up a new route to Central Government departments.”


About Public Services Network
The Public Services Network (PSN) is the foundation for the Government ICT Strategy. PSN will substantially reduce the cost of communication services across UK Government and enable new, joined-up and shared public services for the benefit of citizens. PSN is creating one logical network, based on industry standards, and a more open and competitive ICT marketplace at the heart of UK Public Sector.

About Government Procurement Service
Government Procurement Service, an executive agency of the Cabinet Office, is the delivery arm of Government Procurement.  Its overall priority is to provide procurement savings for central government, health and organisations across the UK public sector.

Its main focus is to deliver these savings through expert sourcing, category and centralised data management. By centralising, standardising and aggregating spend on common goods and services we deliver significant, sustainable cost reductions to Government.

Government Procurement Service provides value for money, commercial procurement solutions which are fully EU compliant, covering energy, office solutions, communications services, professional services, travel, fleet, IT commodities (including telecommunications and networks), property & facilities management and ecommerce.”

About Azzurri Communications
Azzurri is the UK’s leading independent provider of managed communications services. Our award winning products, services and solutions help customers turn networks and telecoms into strategic assets.

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