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Surge in mobile cyber-crime predicted with UK rollout of 4G

by david.nunes

Surge in mobile cyber-crime predicted with UK rollout of 4G

LONDON (UK), 30 May 2013– Security experts at Voltage Security, the world leader in data-centric security, warn that a drop in enterprises that prohibit BYOD, coupled with a new mobile enterprise era rung in by the introduction of 4G, could leave organisations across the UK wide open to cybercriminals unless they take on appropriate security measures.

Voltage predicts that with BYOD more attractive than ever, it’s critical more than ever before for enterprises to think beyond just protecting the device. The attackers want the data – and so that’s where the protection needs to be. With faster networks and more “anytime, anywhere” business, more sensitive data will be shared across mobile channels – within the enterprise and to customers. Smartphones and fast networks integrate the consumer into the business through data. Balancing the use of that data to improve customer service must be balanced with breach risk and regulatory compliance.

The new network is set to revolutionise the way we work in business – with potential download speeds in excess of 100Mbps, 4G allows a ‘near-desktop’ experience with richer applications, such as video-conferencing and other collaboration tools, as well as cloud-based services  to run on mobile devices. However, with this new-found freedom come security problems.

“ The predicted increase in enterprises allowing their employees to make the leap and use their own device to get on to work networks can only be expected to grow further with the arrival of these new, superfast services,” said Mark Bower, Vice President, Product Management at Voltage Security. “Mobile enterprises are highly insecure territory. The problem is that the cybercriminals tend to follow the people – and the data they work with.”

There are three types of mobile data that are most at risk from cyber criminals:

·         Email communication containing sensitive information

·         Sensitive business data and files

·         Transaction data captured by mobile payment methods

“The change to 4G is rather like a change from a tranquil country road to a 4-lane highway, bringing a whole new level of potential – and risk,” said Bower. “Employees can – and will – use these services for work but organisations are not yet ready for the rush. If 4G really delivers what it promises it may catch up with – or even in some cases surpass – adoption of fixed-line broadband. Organisations have to act now to ensure they are prepared for the impending growth of the mobile workforce.”

“Mobile devices aren’t going away and traditional security approaches – such as firewalls and smart screen filters – lock down the infrastructure, but that is not the target for today’s cybercriminals. They want sensitive data, which is valuable, easily monetised and increasingly on the move. And they fully understand where and when to find ‘data in the clear’, when it is most vulnerable – and they’re willing to wait. But waiting is one thing you can’t afford to do. Data is key and a data-centric approach to mobile security with encryption will mitigate the risk of data breaches and other threats so the new mobility we are experiencing can be leveraged to its fullest potential,” Bower concluded.

About Voltage Security

Voltage Security®, Inc. is the world leader in data-centric security, delivering secure, scalable, and proven data-centric encryption and key management solutions, enabling our customers to effectively combat new and emerging security threats.  Leveraging breakthrough encryption technologies, our powerful data protection solutions allow any company to seamlessly secure all types of sensitive corporate and customer information, wherever it resides, while efficiently meeting regulatory compliance and privacy requirements.  For more information, please visit www.voltage.com.

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